Mighty Minters 2023 Ornament

Philadelphia (P)
Item Number: 23XT
Item Limits

Mintage Limit is the total number of a coin manufactured across all products. (For example, a coin may be available in rolls and in our annual sets).

Product Limit is the number of a coin made available in the individual product.

Household Order Limit In cases where we have limited-mintage products (e.g., legislatively mandated or Mint established production or mintage limits), the United States Mint may impose order or household order limits. Order limits help us ensure that we provide fair purchase opportunities to the broadest audience possible. As we monitor our products, limits may be implemented, adjusted, or removed at our discretion.

Mintage Limit: None
Product Limit: 5,000
Household Order Limit: None

Two of our Mighty Minters—Layla, a peahen from West Point, New York and Eli from Ft. Knox, Kentucky—are each trying to strike a pose similar to the ballerinas on the coin and surrounded by the swirling and twirling flakes in the snow globe. Poor Eli’s courageous effort is no match for Layla’s years of ballet classes! Wow…not even close! He just can’t stretch his leg up that high! But no matter! It’s all in good fun and in the spirit of friendly competition!

The reverse (tails side) of the uncirculated Native American $1 Coin features Maria Tallchief in balletic pose. In addition to Tallchief, four other American Indian ballerinas from Oklahoma achieved international recognition in the 20th century, including her sister Marjorie Tallchief, Yvonne Chouteau, Rosella Hightower, and Moscelyne Larkin. Celebrated as the “Five Moons,” their legacy of achievement and inclusion continues to influence ballet today. A nod to the “Five Moons” is presented in lunar motif, while the four ballerinas in the background are symbolic of both Tallchief’s American Indian ballerinas contemporaries and the generations of dancers they inspired. The coin—minted at the Philadelphia Mint—features a design by Artistic Infusion Program Designer Ben Sowards and was sculpted by Medallic Artist Phebe Hemphill. Inscriptions include “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “MARIA TALLCHIEF,” “$1,” and “AMERICAN INDIANS IN BALLET.”

An engraved U.S. Mint seal is on the back of the hand-crafted ornament. It was constructed in solid brass and finished with the silvery sheen of imitation rhodium. The packaging features the ornament’s design on the front, and the back has a description and serves as the certificate of authenticity.

We all hope that this year’s Mighty Minters ornament will inspire you and kids of all ages to kick up their heels and join Eli and Layla in a Dance of Joy this holiday season! It’s sure to bring a smile to anyone who receives this unique keepsake, so shop early!

P.S. And add even more smiles and memories with the 2020, 2021, and 2022 Mighty Minters Ornaments—while supplies last!

Product Specifications
Denomination: Dollar
Finish: Uncirculated
Composition: 6% zinc, 3.5% manganese, 2% nickel, balance copper
Weight: 8.100 grams
Diameter: 1.043 inches (26.49 mm)
Edge: lettered
Mint and Mint Mark: Philadelphia - P
Privy Mark: No
Mighty Minters 2023 Ornament
Philadelphia (P)
Item Number: 23XT
Item Limits

Mintage Limit is the total number of a coin manufactured across all products. (For example, a coin may be available in rolls and in our annual sets).

Product Limit is the number of a coin made available in the individual product.

Household Order Limit In cases where we have limited-mintage products (e.g., legislatively mandated or Mint established production or mintage limits), the United States Mint may impose order or household order limits. Order limits help us ensure that we provide fair purchase opportunities to the broadest audience possible. As we monitor our products, limits may be implemented, adjusted, or removed at our discretion.

Mintage Limit: None
Product Limit: 5,000
Household Order Limit: None