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Presidential $1 Coin & First Spouse Medal Set — Calvin Coolidge Available Aug. 26

August 19, 2014

WASHINGTON — Sales will open for the 2014 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin & First Spouse Medal Set – Calvin Coolidge (product code XU2) Aug. 26 at noon Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Orders will be accepted at http://www.usmint.gov/catalog and at 1–800–USA–MINT (872–6468), while hearing– and speech–impaired customers with TTY equipment may order at 1–888–321–MINT. A fee of $4.95 will be added to all domestic orders for shipping and handling.

Priced at $9.95, the set includes an uncirculated quality Calvin Coolidge Presidential $1 Coin and a bronze medal with the same likeness of Mrs. Grace Coolidge that appears on the First Spouse Gold Coin struck in her honor. The coin and medal are enclosed in a durable plastic card that is enhanced with beautiful representations of the portraits of the President and Mrs. Coolidge. Historical information is printed on the back.

About the United States Mint

The United States Mint was created by Congress in 1792 and became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. It is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces numismatic products, including proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver and gold bullion coins. The United States Mint's numismatic programs are self–sustaining and operate at no cost to the taxpayer.


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United States Mint – Connecting America through Coins


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Customer Service Information: (800) USA MINT (872-6468)