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1976 Proof and Uncirculated Coin Sets to Include Variety II Eisenhower Dollars

Press Release
November 28, 1975

The 1976 regular Proof and Uncirculated Coin Sets will contain the Variety II Eisenhower dollar.

The new variety is distinguished by a lower relief on the obverse, softening the facial features on the Eisenhower bust. On the reverse, the relief is higher and the style of lettering changed to conform in style to the obverse. The new lettering is more narrow and more pointed. The design modifications were ordered to improve the appearance of the dollar coin.

The Philadelphia and Denver Mints have released both varieties of dollars for circulation. And Variety I dollars were included in the 1975 regular Uncirculated Coin Sets and in the 1975 regular Proof Coin Sets.

Proof Coin Sets consist of specially manufactured coins struck at San Francisco and all bear the “S” mintmark. The new Variety II dies will be used to produce the dollar coins in San Francisco for the 1976 regular Proof Coin Sets.

The Mint began accepting orders for the 1976 Proof Coin Sets on November 3, and the ordering period will remain open until production capacity is reached. The price per set is $7.00.

The Mint expects to begin accepting orders for the 1976 Uncirculated Sets in February priced at $6.00 per set.

Orders for both the regular Proof Coin Sets and the regular Uncirculated Sets are limited to five of each set per customer. All orders should be sent to:

Bureau of the Mint
55 Mint Street
San Francisco, California 94175

Proof Coin Sets will be produced and shipped throughout Calendar Year 1976; however, shipments will be completed no later than December 31, 1976.

Content last updated on September 09, 2024