Bulk Program

Bulk purchasers of circulating coins receive pick up instructions for arranging carrier appointment, truck inspection, and driver clearance and are contacted to coordinate a pick up appointment date/time. Orders are released after all pre-arrangements are fulfilled, e.g., the electronic funds transfer is received, the shipment is ready and clearances confirmed.

Bulk Bag on Steel Pallet Pictured Below:

Numismatic Bulk Purchase Program and Authorized Bulk Purchase Program

Numismatic Bulk Purchase Program (NBPP):

This program is the entry point for dealers who want to become part of the Mint’s wholesale channel. To apply for the program, please complete our Bulk Purchase Agreement form. You will be required to demonstrate that you are a license-holding business approved by the state where you reside.

The program offers the following benefits:

  • tiered discount structure that is reset at the beginning of each government fiscal year (October 1) for all members.
  • 4 discount tiers from 3% - 5% that are tied to your business’ order volume and calculated every other month.
    • 3% discount for $0 - $50K
    • 4% discount from $50K - $250K
    • 4,5% discount from $250K - $1M
    • 5% discount over $1M in revenue                                 

Discount calculation

  • At the start of each fiscal year (October 1), discounts are reset to 3% for all members.  Tier reviews occur every other month starting December 1, followed by discount adjustments on February 1. This review and discount adjustment continues, bimonthly, for the remainder of each fiscal year.

Program requirements and terms:

  • All Mint products are not available for Bulk discount.
  • The minimum order quantity for each order is:
    • Domestic members - $10,000 total order value which can be a combination of products including those not eligible for discount.
    • International members - $2,500 USD total order value which can be a combination of products including those not eligible for discount.
  • To remain active in the program a member must have made 2 minimum order purchases or a minimum of $20K in fiscal year spend. Deactivated accounts can re-apply at any time.
  • Participants in the NBPP are subject to the United States Mint’s excessive returns policy.
    • Thresholds for excessive returns include:
      • Sales over $5,000
      • Returns exceeding 25% for the prior month
    • If you violate the excessive returns policy, you will receive a warning letter, followed by suspension on a second offense within 6 months.

For additional information, please contact the Numismatic Bulk Program team.


Authorized Bulk Purchase Program (ABPP):

The Authorized Bulk Purchase Program, which began in 2021, is the newest initiative in the Mint’s wholesale purchasing channel. This program is available by invitation only to members of the Numismatic Bulk Purchase Program (NBPP).

The program offers the following benefits:

  • ABPP participants can have their orders shipped up to five days in advance of the United States Mint’s official on-sale date to allow time for receipt and grading in advance of the normal ordering process.

Program requirements and terms:

  • Minimum of three years as a member in good standing of the NBPP
  • Acceptable average return rate of 2% or less
  • Actual (not averaged) revenue of $500,000 or more per year for two years.
  • Signed acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Bulk Purchase Programs, which include:
    • Prohibition from participating in the Mint’s direct-to-consumer subscription programs.
    • Commitment to honor all household order limits.
    • Restrictions on the use of technology to place orders and monitor inventory.
  • Signed embargo agreement to resell products only on or after the Mint’s official on-sale date and time

The program is designed to provide members with a known quantity of designated products. These quantities are set by the Mint using an allocation method that provides an equal portion of the available product to all members, while the remaining allocation is determined by a percentage of offtake as compared to the whole. The current calculation is a 25%–75% split, whereas 25% represents the equal split among program members and 75% represents actual participation and performance in the program. The Mint maintains the right to adjust its allocation model at any time.

The Mint actively monitors these program requirements. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in penalties up to and including suspension from the program and/or removal from the Mint’s Bulk Purchase Programs.

For additional information, please contact the Numismatic Bulk Program team.