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Legislation to Regulate Gold Coins

Act of June 28, 1834

Concerning gold coins of the United States, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the gold coins of the United States shall contain the following quantities of metal¹ that is to say: each eagle shall contain two hundred and thirty two grains of pure gold, and two hundred and fifty-eights grains of standard gold; each half eagle one hundred and sixteen grains of pure gold, and one hundred and twenty nine grains of standard gold; each quarter eagle shall contain fifty-eight grains of pure gold, and sixty-four and a half grains of standard gold; every such eagle shall be of the value of ten dollars; every such half eagle shall be of the value of five dollars; and every such quarter eagle shall be of the value of two dollars and fifty cents; and the said gold coins shall be receivable in all payments when of full weight according to their respective values; and when of less than full weight, at less values, proportioned to their respective actual weights.

¹See act of April 2, 1792, s. 9.

Content last updated on September 26, 2024