H.R. 2
February 23, 1916
H.R. 2
February 23, 1916
An Act For the coinage of a McKinley souvenir gold dollar, in commemoration of the erection of a memorial to William McKinley, late President of the United States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of aiding in defraying the cost of completing in a suitable manner the work of erecting a memorial in the city of Niles, Ohio, to William McKinley, late President of the United States of America, the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and is hereby, authorized to purchase in the market so much gold bullion as may be necessary for the purpose herein provided for, from which there shall be coined at the United States Mint, Philadelphia, standard gold dollars of the legal weight and fineness, to the number of not exceeding one hundred thousand pieces, to be known as the McKinley souvenir dollar, struck in commemoration of the erection of a memorial to William McKinley, late President of the United States of America, in the city of Niles, Ohio, his birthplace, the devices and designs upon which coins shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and all provisions of law relative to the coinage and legal-tender quality of the standard gold dollar shall be applicable to the coins issued under this Act, and when so coined said souvenir dollars shall be delivered, in suitable parcels, at par, and without cost to the United States, to the National McKinley Birthplace Memorial Association and the dies shall be destroyed.
Approved February 23, 1916.