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Public Sale of Bicentennial Silver Coin Sets Expanded

Press Release
January 26, 1976

The Bicentennial silver proof and uncirculated three-piece coin sets are available for sale over-the-counter at Mint outlets in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Pa., Denver, Colorado, and San Francisco, Calif., as well as by mail order, Acting Director of the Mint, Frank H. MacDonald announced today.

Under Public Law 93-127, Congress authorized new coinage designs and date emblematic of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution for circulating dollars, half dollars and quarters. Additionally, Congress mandated the mintage of a least 45 million 40% silver specimens of these coins to assure their wide availability to the public. The Mint is packaging the special silver Bicentennial coins in three-piece sets.

Traditionally, special coins produced by the Mint are available only by mail order. In furtherance of the expressed wishes of the Congress, however, the Mint is also making Bicentennial silver coin sets available for direct sale to the public at the following Mint outlets:

The Philadelphia Mint
Fifth and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Old Mint
Fifth and Mission Streets
San Fancisco, California

The Denver Mint
32 Colfax Avenue
Denver, Colorado

Department of the Treasury
Exhibit Hall
15th and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.

The Bicentennial silver proof set is priced at $12.00 per set and the uncirculated set is $9.00. There is no limit on the number of sets that may be purchased.

Both sets are also available by mail order. Please write to:

Bureau of the Mint
55 Mint Street
San Francisco, California 94175

Under a special bulk rate program, the Bicentennial silver uncirculated sets are available at $7.00 per set when ordered by mail in multiples of 50 sets. Please address these orders to:

Bulk Rate
Bicentennial Coin Program
Post Office Box 5500
San Francisco, California 94101

Content last updated on September 27, 2024