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James Monroe Presidential $1 Coin Bags and Rolls Available February 14

February 12, 2008

WASHINGTON — Americans nostalgic for the "Era of Good Feelings" can order bags and rolls of the James Monroe Presidential $1 Coin starting at noon (ET) on February 14. President Monroe, whose administration was so named because of the general good will and prosperity the Nation experienced, is the fifth President to be honored in the United States Mint's Presidential $1 Coin Program.

The James Monroe Presidential $1 Coin will be available in 250–coin bags offered at $319.95 and in 25–coin rolls offered at $35.95. The bags and rolls contain coins that were struck at the United States Mints at Denver and Philadelphia for use in everyday financial transactions. The dramatic portrait of James Monroe graces the obverse, and the awe–inspiring image of the Statue of Liberty is on the reverse. Incused on the coin's edge are the inscriptions "2008," "E Pluribus Unum," "In God We Trust," and the mint of origin. The canvas coin bags and the specially packaged rolls of James Monroe Presidential $1 Coins display the mint of origin, the monetary value of the contents ($25.00–rolls, $250.00–bags), and the genuine United States Mint logo.

Customers may add the James Monroe Presidential $1 Coin Bags and Rolls to their collections by ordering through the United States Mint's secure Web site, www.usmint.gov, or by calling 1–800–USA–MINT (872–6468). Hearing– and speech–impaired customers may order by calling 1–888–321–MINT (6468). A shipping and handling fee of $4.95 per order will be added to all domestic orders.

As an added convenience, customers may enroll in the United States Mint's Online Subscription Program to receive future bags and rolls of Presidential $1 Coins when they are released. For more information about this carefree ordering method, please visit www.usmint.gov.

The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005 honors former Presidents in the order in which they served in our Nation's highest office. Each year, the United States Mint will issue four Presidential $1 Coins bearing dramatic portraits on the obverse and the striking image of the Statue of Liberty on the reverse. Presidential $1 Coins honoring John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren will be available later in the year.


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United States Mint – Connecting America through Coins


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