United States Mint to Open Sales for the 2012 Infantry Soldier Silver Dollar on February 16

February 14, 2012

WASHINGTON — The United States Mint will open sales for the 2012 Infantry Soldier Silver Dollar on February 16 at noon Eastern Time (ET). Public Law 110–357 (the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center Commemorative Coin Act) authorizes the bureau to strike and issue the silver one–dollar coin to commemorate the legacy of the U.S. Army Infantry and the establishment of the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center.

The United States Mint will offer the 2012 Infantry Soldier Silver Dollar in both proof and uncirculated qualities. In addition, the bureau will offer a special set featuring a proof coin mounted in a custom folder enhanced with a quote by President John F. Kennedy, the U.S. Army motto and a replica dog tag on a miniature chain. All product options include a Certificate of Authenticity.

Pricing for the 2012 Infantry Soldier Silver Dollar product options is as follows:

NF1 Proof Silver Dollar $49.95 $54.95
NF2 Uncirculated Silver Dollar $44.95 $49.95
NF3 Defenders of Freedom Set N/A $51.95

*The introductory sales period ends on March 19, 2012, at 5 p.m. ET, at which time regular pricing takes effect.

Mintage for the 2012 Infantry Soldier Silver Dollar is limited to 350,000 units across all product options. Customer demand will determine the ratio of proof and uncirculated coins produced, while the Defenders of Freedom Set is limited to 50,000 units. Orders for the Defenders of Freedom Set will be limited to 100 sets per household for the first week of sales. At the end of this period, the United States Mint will re–evaluate this limit and extend, adjust or remove it. There will be no household order limits for the remaining products.

Surcharges collected from sales of the commemorative coins are authorized to be paid to the National Infantry Foundation.

Orders will be accepted at http://www.usmint.gov/catalog or at 1–800–USA–MINT (872–6468). Hearing– and speech–impaired customers with TTY equipment may order by calling 1–888–321–MINT (6468). All domestic orders will be assessed a $4.95 fee for shipping and handling costs.

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation’s sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

Note: To ensure that all members of the public have fair and equal access to United States Mint products, orders placed prior to the official on–sale date and time of February 16, 2012, noon ET shall not be deemed accepted by the United States Mint and will not be honored. For more information, please review the United States Mint’s Frequently Asked Questions, Answer ID #175.


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United States Mint – Connecting America through Coins

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Customer Service Information: (800) USA MINT (872-6468)

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