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U.S. Mint FOIA Log FY 2018 Quarter 3

April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018

Requestor Organization Request # Short Description Request Type
Hennis, Dan Self 2018-04-011 Request copy of original docs used by Treas regarding shipments of 2015 Silver Eagle Bullion coins FOIA
Kaplan, Elijah MuckRock News 2018-04-010 Request all documents regarding spending at any President Trump properties FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-04-033 Request copy of Management Inquiry involving [redacted] FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-04-025 Request Management Directive 715 (MD715) for the fiscal year 2017 FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-04-043 Request Management Inquiry on [redacted] FOIA
Wakefield, Heather Self 2018-04-044 Request information on 100 gold note bill FOIA
Gilkes, Paul Coin World 2018-04-060 Request current accounting of U.S. and foreign gold and silver coins dated prior to the end of World War II FOIA
Pingel, Phil N/A 2018-04-079 Request for total mintage of 2017 West Point $50.00 1 oz. gold burnished American Eagle Uncirculated FOIA
Pingel, Phil N/A 2018-04-080 Request total mintage of 2017 West Point $50,00 1 oz. gold Proof Buffalo FOIA
Pingel, Phil N/A 2018-04-081 Request total mintage of 2017 Palladium American Eagle coin FOIA
Smith, Grant Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy 2018-04-154 Request all Gallup market research service product delivered with contract TM-HQ FOIA
Bing, Andrew Self 2018-04-203 Request two tickets to tour Denver Mint FOIA
Kaplan, Elijah MuckRock.com 2018-04-204 Request information on U.S. Mint spending at any of the Trump Properties FOIA
Fallenberg, Craig Legal Edge Investigations LLC 2018-05-016 Request copies of witness statements on an accident case involving [redacted] FOIA
Millward, Nate Self 2018-05-085 Request clarification on American Silver Eagle Bullion Coins FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-05-086 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-05-113 Request for opf file FOIA
Russell, Caitlin MuckRock News 2018-05-143 Request information on spending at Trumnp Properties FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-05-151 Request memo, inventory and each description regarding the 4,686,358 foreign gold coins held in storage at the US Mint facility at West Point FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-05-160 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-05-167 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
MacDonald, Andrew Fox Rothschild LLP 2018-05-168 Request video footage from the secudrity surveillance camera of the U.S. Mint building in Philadelphia, PA FOIA
Nunez, Marcella N/A 2018-05-178 Request Verification that the Grabener Press, Serial # 360/32762 was in the Philadelphia Mint FOIA
Nunez, Marcella N/A 2018-05-179 Request information regarding when the two Grabener Presses were brought into production at the San Francisco Mint FOIA
[redacted] U.S. Mint 2018-05-180 Request Certificate(s) of Eligibles for all eligible applicants with the applicant's names for USAJOBS Vacancy Announcement # 18-Mint-71 FOIA
Greenewald, John The Black Vault 2018-05-193 Request any records describing coins other than gold held in deep storage at the US Mint facility at West Point, New York FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-05-197 Request access to copies of resumes or records fo employees hired for Police Officer FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-05-198 Request all correcspondence btwn [redacted] and [redacted] FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-05-199 Request information regarding a fiduciatry notice to the secretary of Treasury concerning [redacted] FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-06-014 Request explanation as to tentative job offer being rescinded for the vacant position for 18-MINT-206-A, Police Officer, TR-0083-8 FOIA
Nunez, Marcella N/A 2018-06-016 Request records showing all the De-commissioned Grabener 360 presses from the San Francisco Mint from 2006 until 2014 FOIA
[redacted] Legacy Record 2018-06-030 Request copy of score and rankings for Police Officer (Detective), 18-MINT-196-M FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-06-060 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
[redacted] United States Mint 2018-06-062 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
[redacted] N/A 2018-06-073 Request of a Personal Nature FOIA
Gale, III, Lloyd Self 2018-06-077 Request interrogatories regarding coins and metal content FOIA
Gomez, Jody N/A 2018-06-079 Request information on the manufacture and production of dies in the 1800-1870 time period FOIA
Gomez, Jody N/A 2018-06-080 Request Any notes on "trail" formation in dies between 1980 and current FOIA
Gilkes, Paul Coin World 2018-06-096 Request the date of the recovery of a 1933 Saint-Gaudens $20 gold double eagle FOIA
Dodd, Kelly Elizabeth for MA 2018-06-139 Request Any Freedom of Information Act requests and the responsive materials March 7, 2017 to present regarding Senator Elizabeth Warren FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-06-156 Request copy of Management Inquiry [redacted] FOIA
Rodriguez, Laura West Coast Authletics/ king & Story & ent 2018-06-170 Request Entertained and their kids getting out of hand FOIA
Best, Emma MuckRock 55008 2018-06-187 Request copies all emails containing the terms "MuckRock" or "Muck Rock" or "MuckRock.com" FOIA
Olszak, Mitchel N/A 2018-06-206 Request information related to the process of selecting Laura Gardin Fraser's proposed design for the Washington Quarter FOIA

[redacted] indicates removal of personally identifiable information.

Content last updated on August 16, 2024