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U.S. Mint FOIA Log FY 2019 Quarter 1

October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

Requestor Organization Request # Short Description Request Type
Scarborough, Rowan The Washington Times 2018-10-051 Requesting all releasable information on Julie Swetnick whose resume says he has been and is working at Treasury in some type of web capacity. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-10-079 Requestor would like to know the reasons why [redacted] conditional offer of employment for the position of U.S. Mint Police Officer was rescinded. FOIA
LeMay, Ruth Southwest High School 2018-10-101 Requesting a tour of the Denver Mint the morning of April 11, 2019 with a high school group. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-10-140 Requesting a copy of all hiring lists for job announcements 18-MINT-217 and 18-MINT-218-P showing the name, score and veteran status of all persons hired from the period of time the lists were active. Also request a copy of the resumes for all persons hired, redacted for personal identifying information, except name and veteran status, containing their relative experience as it relates to the job descriptions and education. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-10-147 Applied for position of police officer at U.S. Mint 18/262. Was offered position and then offer was rescinded and would like to know reasons why. FOIA
[redacted] Year 2018-10-196 Requesting hiring lists with names of applicants and resumes of each hired applicant (with PII redacted) for job announcement 18-MINT-150 and 18-MINT-151-P. Also requesting copy of the email sent on or about April 3rd, 2018, to the administrative sergeant, from the Administrative Resource Center, containing requestors name and name of one other applicant. FOIA
Olszak, Mitchel Self 2018-10-208 Requesting available information regarding the processes that went into selecting Laura Gardin Fraser's proposed 1932 Washington Quarter design for the 1999 George Washington $5 gold commemorative coin. Specifically looking for communication between the Mint and Betty Rochovansky related to the use of Fraser's original plasters, from 1998-1999. FOIA
Funk, LeAnne Federal Employees Benefit Association 2018-10-209 Request a current list of all United States Mint employees. FOIA
Heard, Cameron Self 2018-11-003 Requesting 1) any and all contracts, agreements, requests for quotations (RFQs), or purchase orders between the Department of the Treasury or the United States Mint and Sunshine Minting, Inc. dated from January 1, 2018 to Present Day, and 2) any and all contracts, agreements, request for quotations (RFQs), or purchase orders between the Department of the Treasury or the United States Mint and CNT Inc. (also known as Coins 'N Things) dated from January 1, 2017 and Present Day. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-11-027 Requesting copies of the statement that was given regarding false accusations against requestor resulting in an Administrative Investigation. Also requesting a copy of the initial report that was made that led to the administrative investigation. FOIA
[redacted] Year 2018-11-049 Requesting a copy of all applicant listing reports for job announcement 18-218-P, to include the scores and veteran's preference for the 3 applicants hired and myself. It was not included in my previous FOIA request. FOIA
Archer T-75757, John Self 2018-11-056 Requester has many questions regarding prices of coins, gold and precious medals. FOIA
[redacted] Year 2018-11-068 Requesting applicant listing reports for job announcement 18-151-P that includes the the scores of all applicants. Requestor refers to previous FOIA requests (6 previous requests, numbers in Notes section) and items he is still looking for. See Request Details. FOIA
Comiskey, Blake Self 2018-11-059 Requester would like to know how many 1971 "S" Jefferson Nickels were minted and how many 1971 Jefferson Nickels were minted in Philadelphia. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-11-077 Requesting a copy of each report and presentation produced for the US Mint by contractor Reveille Group, Ltd. under contract number TMHQ16C0039 FOIA
Glazer, Andrew Jigsaw Productions 2018-11-112 Requesting access to and copies of all records related to the four Current Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) holders that sell gold to the U.S. Mint: 1) Coins N Things, 2) Precious A-Mark, 3) Republic Metals Corporation, and 4) TD Bank. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-11-116 ReA copy of the engineering drawing for each US Mint regular issue coin: Penny/Cent, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Half Dollar, One Dollar. quest created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-11-117 Requesting a copy of the Statement of Work and the successful proposal for the US Mint contract 2031JG18C00016 awarded to Coin Wrap Inc. as part of the Coin Attrition Study project. Not requesting any financial details or financial proposal. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-11-118 Requesting a copy of each research report or presentation received by the US Mint from the US Mint Contract awarded to Gallup Inc. (Gallup Organization), Contract Number TMHQ-07-C-0036 FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-11-119 Requesting a copy of the final report, interim reports, and presentations provided to the US Mint under Contract TMHQ11C0049 to Concurrent Technologies Corporation which conducted an alternative metals study for circulating coinage. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-11-141 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-11-139 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-12-001 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-12-038 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-12-059 Requester asking for applicant hiring list with ranking scores. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-12-070 Request information regarding rescinding of tentative offer for police officer. FOIA
[redacted] Legacy Record 2018-12-071 Requester would like copies of Management Inquiries involving him. FOIA
[redacted] Self 2018-12-084 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
Ravnitzky, Michael Private Citizen 2018-12-111 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
Starr, Graham The New York Times 2018-12-113 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA
Stevens, Kenneth Self 2018-12-117 Request created through Online FOIA Queue. FOIA

[redacted] indicates removal of personally identifiable information.

Content last updated on August 16, 2024