2000 Freedom of Information Act Annual Report

FOIA Data Submission Form for Treasury Bureaus

Fiscal Year 2000
(Oct. 1, 1999-Sept. 30, 2000)

  1. B.  Brief Description of your bureau’s response-time ranges.

    Response time in FY 2000 averaged approximately 15 days for all responses.

  2. C.  Brief description why some requests are not granted.

    The most common reason why requests for records could not be granted are: 1) the Mint maintains no responsive records, and 2) records requested are in deliberative process stage, pursuant to Title 5 of the United States Code, Section 552(b)(5).

  3. A.  List your agency-specific acronyms or terms. N/A
  4. A.  List of Exemption 3 statutes relied on by agency during fiscal year. N/A
  5. FOIA/PA Access Requests. Include all access requests, whether first-party or third-party.

    A.  Number of initial requests. Total of the numbers in lines 1 and 2, minus the number in line 3, should equal the number in line 4.

    1. Number of requests pending as of end of preceding fiscal year: 1
    2. Number of requests received during current fiscal year: 116
    3. Number of requests processed during current fiscal year: 108
    4. Number of requests pending at the end of current reporting period: 9

    B.  Disposition of initial requests.

    1. Total grants: 35
    2. Partial grants: 30
    3. Denials: 0

      a. Number of times each FOIA exemption used (counting each exemption once per request):

      (b)(1) __ (b)(6) 16 (b)(7)(E) __
      (b)(2) 9 (b)(7)(A) __ (b)(7)(F) __
      (b)(3) __ (b)(7)(B) __ (b)(8) __
      (b)(4) 15 (b)(7)(C)3 (b)(9) __
      (b)(5) 7 (b)(7)(D) __  
    4. Other reasons for nondisclosure (total): 39

      1. no records: 22
      2. referrals: 1
      3. withdrawn: 2
      4. fee-related:
      5. records not reasonably described: 14
      6. not a proper FOIA request for some other reason:
      7. not an agency record:
      8. duplicate request:
      9. other (specify):
  6. Appeals of initial denials of FOIA/PA requests. Again, include all access requests, whether First-party or Third-party–all other requests.

    A.  Number of appeals.

    1. Number of appeals received during fiscal year: 8
    2. Number of appeals processed during fiscal year: 5

    B.  Disposition of appeals.

    1. Number completely upheld: 3
    2. Number partially reversed: 2
    3. Number completely reversed: N/A

      a. number of times each FOIA exemption used (counting each exemption once per appeal):

      (b)(1) __ (b)(6) 1 (b)(7)(E) __
      (b)(2) __ (b)(7)(A) __ (b)(7)(F) __
      (b)(3) __ (b)(7)(B) __ (b)(8) __
      (b)(4) 1 (b)(7)(C) __ (b)(9) __
      (b)(5)1 (b)(7)(D) __  
    4. Other reasons for non-disclosure (total): 1

      1. no records:
      2. referrals:
      3. withdrawn: 1
      4. fee-related:
      5. records not reasonably described:
      6. not a proper request/appeal for some other reason:
      7. not an agency record:
      8. duplicate request:
      9. other (specify):
  7. Compliance with Time Limits/Status of Pending Requests.

    A.  Median time for processing requests.

    Agencies should count days from the time at which a request is “perfected.” You may separately report each track of a multi-track system, as well as an “expedited processing” track. Following are examples for obtaining the “median” number: Given 7 requests completed during the fiscal year, aged 10, 25, 35, 65, 75, 80 and 400 days from date of perfection to date of completion, the total number of requests completed during the fiscal year would be 7 and the median age of the completed requests would be 65 days. If there were 6 pending cases aged 10, 20, 30, 50, 120 and 200 days from date of perfection to date of completion, the total number of requests completed would be 6 and the median age would be 40 days (the average of the 2 middle numbers).

    1. Simple Requests (report only if multi-track processing is used. If not used, report as “N/A”). N/A

      a. Number of requests processed:
      b. Median number of days to process:

    2. Complex Requests (specify for any and all tracks used).

      a. Number of requests processed: 108
      b. Median number of days to process: 15

    3. Requests for expedited processing. N/A

      a. number of expedited requests processed:
      b. median number of days to process:

    B.  Status of pending requests (bureaus using multiple tracks may provide number for each track, as well as total).

    1. Number of requests pending at end of FY2000: 9
      (This number should match section V-A-4.)
    2. Median number of days that such requests were pending as of that date: 97
  8. Comparisons with Previous Years. (Not required.)
  9. Costs/FOIA Staffing.
    1. Staffing levels.
      1. Number of full-time FOIA personnel: 0
      2. Number of personnel with part-time or occasional FOIA duties: 0.5
      3. Total number of personnel (in work-years): 0.5
    2. Total costs (staff and resources combined).
      1. FOIA processing (including appeals): $16,674
      2. Litigation-related activities (estimated): $0
      3. Total Costs: $16,674
      4. Comparison with previous years. (Not required).
    3. Statement of additional resources needed for FOIA compliance (Optional).
  10. Fees.

    A.  Total fees collected FY 2000: $938
    B.  Percentage of total costs: 17.78%

  11. FOIA Regulations. (Not required.)
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