H.R. 81
March 7, 1928
H.R. 81
March 7, 1928
An Act To authorize the coinage of silver 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by Captain James Cook, and for the purpose of aiding in establishing a Captain James Cook memorial collection in the archives of the Territory of Hawaii.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by Captain James Cook, and for the purpose of aiding in establishing a Captain James Cook memorial collection in the archives of the Territory of Hawaii, there shall be coined in the mints of the United States silver 50-cent pieces to the number of ten thousand, such 50-cent pieces to be of a standard troy weight, composition, diameter, and design as shall be fixed by the director of the mint and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, which said 50-cent pieces shall be legal tender in any payment of their face value.
SEC. 2. The coins herein authorized shall be issued only upon the request of the Cook Sesquicentennial Commission of Hawaii and in such numbers and at such times as they shall request upon payment by such commission to the United States of the par value of such coins.
SEC. 3. All laws now in force relating to the subsidiary silver coins of the United States and the coining or striking of the same, regulating and guarding the process of coinage, providing for the purchase of material, and for the transportation, distribution, and redemption of the coins, for the prevention of debasement or counterfeiting, for security of the coin or for any other purpose, whether said laws are penal or otherwise, shall, so far as applicable, apply to the coinage herein authorized: Provided, That the United States shall not be subject to the expense of making the necessary dies and other preparation of this coinage.
Approved, March 7, 1928.