S. 2966
May 9, 1934
S. 2966
May 9, 1934
An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Province of Maryland.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in commemoration of the three-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Province of Maryland, there shall be coined by the Director of the Mint twenty-five thousand silver 50-cent pieces of standard size, weight, and fineness and of a special appropriate design to be fixed by the Director of the Mint, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, but the United States shall not be subject to the expense of making the models for master dies or other preparations for this coinage.
SEC. 2. That the coins herein authorized shall be issued at par and only upon the request of the chairman or secretary of the Maryland Tercentenary Commission.
SEC. 3. Such coins may be disposed of at par or at a premium by said Commission and all proceeds shall be used in furtherance of the Maryland Tercentenary Commission projects.
SEC.4. That all laws now in force relating to the subsidiary silver coins of the United States and the coining or striking of the same; regulating and guarding the process of coinage; providing for the purchase of material, and for the transportation, distribution, and redemption of the coins; for the prevention of debasement or counterfeiting; for security of the coin; or for any other purposes, whether said laws are penal or otherwise, shall, so far as applicable, apply to the coinage herein directed.
Approved, May 9, 1934.