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Treasury Amends Gold Regulations

Press Release
March 17, 1968

Pursuant to agreements announced by the central banks of Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States in Washington on March 17, 1968, the Treasury Department has issued amendments of the Treasury Gold Regulations, effective immediately.

The Treasury will no longer purchase gold in the private market nor will it sell gold for industrial, professional or artistic uses. The private holding of gold in the United States or by U.S. citizens and companies abroad continues to be prohibited except pursuant to existing regulations.

The Gold Regulations have been amended to permit domestic producers to sell and export freely to foreign buyers as well as to authorized domestic users. Authorized domestic users regularly engaged in an industry, profession or art in which gold is required may continue to import gold or to purchase gold from domestic producers within the limits of their licenses or authorizations in the Gold Regulations.

Content last updated on September 27, 2024