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U.S. Mint Offers 2nd 72–Hour Order Period For North Carolina Quarters

March 19, 2001

Two–roll sets and bags of 100 and 1,000 coins available March 19–22, 2001

Washington, DC, March 19, 2001 — The U.S. Mint announced today that a second 72–hour ordering period for North Carolina quarters will begin today, March 19, 2001 at 12:00 noon (EST) and end Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 12:00 noon (EST). The North Carolina quarters are available in two–roll sets (40 coins per roll), including one Philadelphia and one Denver Mint Mark coin roll, and in bags of 100 and 1,000 coins.

North Carolina quarter bags and rolls were originally on sale March 12, 2001 through March 15, 2001, coinciding with the launch of the North Carolina quarter in Raleigh, North Carolina, on March 12, 2001. Due to a U.S. Mint error in the dates previously announced to our customers, we are now offering this second chance to purchase two–roll sets and bags of the newest quarters.

"We realize that many of our customers read the original sales date in the press and were waiting until this week to order their quarters," said Mint Director Jay W. Johnson. "We want to ensure that all customers have an equal chance to participate in this sale."

The North Carolina quarter is the seventh coin of the new millennium minted under the 50 State Quarters™ Program and twelfth overall in the program. The North Carolina quarter reverse design depicts a rendition of the famous 1903 photograph of the first flight and the inscription "First Flight."

Each coin roll is wrapped in a specially designed U.S. Mint paper coin wrap, which prominently displays the 50 State Quarters Program logo, a "P" or "D" representing the roll's mint of origin, "NC" designating the state of North Carolina, and "$10" representing its dollar value. Each bag is marked with the Mint of origin and the dollar value of its contents ($25 or $250). These rolls and bags, featuring quarters used in regular transactions and struck on our main production floors at the Philadelphia and Denver Mint facilities, will be shipped directly to you from the U.S. Mint. Note that there are no order limits on these products.

Customers can purchase North Carolina quarters three ways: First, they can save shipping and handling charges by using the U.S. Mint's secure web site http://www.usmint.gov/catalog. Second, they can call 1–800–USA–MINT. Third, they may download a fax order form at the web site and fax it to (301) 918–2039. A shipping and handling fee of $3.95 per order will be added to all fax and telephone orders for these products. No mail orders will be accepted. Hearing and speech–impaired customers may order by calling (301) 344–4144 TTY. Please allow approximately 6–8 weeks for delivery.


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United States Mint – Connecting America through Coins


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