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United States Mint to Hold Launch Ceremony for Voyageurs National Park Quarter on June 14

May 30, 2018


The United States Mint and the National Park Service will hold a launch ceremony for the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program coin honoring Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota.

Event highlights include music performances by International Falls native Gavia Yount and local artist Darcy Sullivan. Additional ceremony participants include Boy Scouts of America Troop #150, Cub Scout Troop #145, Girl Scouts of America Troops #1150, 1151, 1153 and 1156 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Color Guard #2948. A coin exchange of $10 rolls of Voyageurs National Park quarters will follow the ceremony.


• David J. Ryder, Director, United States Mint

• Bob DeGross, Superintendent, Voyageurs National Park

• Peter Makowski, Regional Outreach Director for U.S. Senator Tina Smith

• Ida Rukavina, Regional Outreach Director for U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar

• Tom Whiteside, Representative for U.S. Congressman Rick Nolan

• Leland Grim, Retired Professor of Ornithology, Master of Ceremonies


Thursday, June 14, 2018, at 11 a.m. CDT


Irv Anderson Amphitheater

360 Hwy 11 East

International Falls, MN 56649



The United States Mint will host a coin forum the evening before the launch ceremony—Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 5–6 p.m. CDT—at Kabetogama Lake Town Hall, 9707 Gamma Road, Kabetogama, MN. The coin forum is an opportunity for the public to learn about upcoming United States Mint coin programs and initiatives, and express their views about future coinage.

The Voyageurs National Park quarter is the 43rd release in the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Program, a 12-year initiative that honors 56 national parks and other national sites authorized by Public Law 110-456. Each year, the public will see five new national sites depicted on the reverses (tails sides) of the America the Beautiful Quarters. The United States Mint is issuing these quarters in the order in which the national sites were officially established.


  • Voyageurs National Park quarter b-roll.
  • Interview with Voyageurs National Park quarter engraver Joseph Menna.
  • Voyageurs National Park quarter image.
  • Information about the United States Mint, America the Beautiful Quarters Program, and the Voyageurs National Park.

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United States Mint – Connecting America through Coins


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